Does a Crochet Business Really Need an Email List?

Having an email strategy is one of the most important things you could do for your crochet business, let me tell you why!

If you have a crochet business and do not currently have an email strategy, this series is for you. You could be leaving money on the table!

This may be one of the most important things you could possibly do for your business. ⁣Create an EMAIL LIST!⁣

I know I know, some of you are thinking “But Ashley, email lists are so old school, social media is the new email list!” I get what you’re saying here, but it’s just simply not true. ⁣

I recently created a 3 part Etsy Shop Mini-Series that detailed how to open an Etsy shop with step-by-step videos of me opening my new Etsy shop, Wild Grace.

If you missed the Etsy Mini-Series you can find that here:
Etsy Shop Mini-Series Part 1
Etsy Shop Mini-Series Part 2
Etsy Shop Mini-Series Part 3

Since I received so much positive feedback from you guys, I wanted to put together another one for you about email lists!

A couple weeks ago, I did a Tuesday Talks live inside of the Ash and Tay
Facebook community
about email lists. I have taken that long video and turned it into 4 short and easily digestible videos to help you start harnessing the power of email inside of your crochet business.

In part one of this email series, I discuss why I believe having an email strategy is crucial in having a successful crochet business or any business. I go over some of my real-life numbers with you guys and bring up a few points you may not have thought of.

If you prefer to listen to the YouTube video that corresponds to this blog post, you can grab your WIP and a cup of coffee and give this short video a listen.

Let’s start with 3 reasons why you need to start building an email list for your business TODAY! ⁣

1. It’s easier to get a hold of your audience without having to please an algorithm.

If you have a crochet business and do not currently have an email strategy, this series is for you. You could be leaving money on the table!

If you can send your ideal customer an email, the chances of them seeing it are higher than posting on social media alone.

According to Jasmine Star, only 4% of your followers will see your social media post.

A couple weeks ago, I posted on Instagram about a new free resource on my website that my virtual assistant Hannah @thecraftyfoxcrochet created for you guys. I also sent out an email about said resource.⁣

The Instagram post got nearly 500 likes. ⁣

But, the email was opened by 1,574 people and clicked by 30% of my subscribers. ⁣

Y’all. 1,574 is WAY BETTER than 500!
2. You don’t own Instagram or Facebook.

Don’t put all your eggs in the social media basket.

You and I do not own Instagram or Facebook. If the owner of those social platforms decides to shut down or pull the plug, they could. We would have no say at all and there would be no way to contact our followers.

If you have an email list, you still have your people and you can talk to them through their inbox.

You don’t want to lose all your contacts by only having social media!

3. Helps you find your truest fans and know more about your ideal customer.

If they really like you and what you’re selling, they’re going to join your email list. ⁣

An email list can help you get to know who your truest fans are even better.

You can “research” those on your list through other social media platforms and find ways to connect with your ideal customer by tweaking your product line or changing your marketing copy.

Okay y’all! That’s it for part one of this series – short sweet digestible info nuggets.

I hope you learned something new about the value of having an email list for your crochet business.

Feel free to sign up to my email list if you want to see how I run mine inside of my business.

At the end of the series I will be sending everyone on my list an Email List Building resource so stay tuned for that!

I will be rolling out parts 2, 3 and 4 of the series over the next couple of
weeks so be sure to subscribe to my email list so you don’t miss a single

In part 2, I will be talking all about the email provider I use, Mail Chimp, and tell you the pros and cons I’ve found while working with them.

Be sure to check out part 2 where I talk all about the email provider I use, Mail Chimp.

Then follow to part 3 where I discuss how to get subscribers for your email list once you have one and part 4 where I will be giving
you lots of ideas for what to send to your email list after building it!

But if you are a go-getter and you want to start an email list today, you can use this referral link to sign up for mail chimp.

That’s all I have for today friends, I will see you for part two!


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