The perfect daily planner to help you stay productive, organized, and get the most out of each day.

Exciting news friends!! I have recently designed a planner!!
After a bunch of trial and error, I finally created a planner that is perfect for me as a crochet business person!

The planner is a finished product that you can grab on Amazon for just $12.99 with FREE SHIPPING if you are an Amazon Prime member!
For all my friends outside of the US who want to purchase this planner, if you go to your country’s Amazon page and type in this ISBN: 9798548591173 you should be able to pull it up and purchase it there!
I am so excited to share what the inside of this planner looks like with all of you!

Starting with the front cover- it is a matte finish paper cover, not a hardcover! I think it has a bit of a rubbery feeling to it. I really like how this came out, I was so excited when I got it in the mail.
Soon as you open your planner this will be your first page:

It has a lovely little spot to put your name! If you want to check out a video of me filling out my planner you can find that here on my IG page!
The next page will feature a QR code to take you directly to my “free crochet pattern” section on my blog!

Now we will get into our monthly sheets! It comes with 6 months of monthly sheets so you can plan ahead 😉

There is an open spot for you to write in the month, and fill in all of the days. This way no matter when you buy/use your planner you can start at whatever month it is!
There is also a section to the right side for notes for things like monthly goals, or tasks you have to get done at some point in the month.
After the 6 months pages you will come to the next section in the planner:

These are our “daily sheets”! Each day has a section for your top 3 most important tasks that you want to get done for that day. They have little check boxes next to them, so you can check them off as you go!
Next to that is a section to track your workout, but if you don’t work out you can use this section for things like tracking any medication you need to take- or whatever works best with your daily schedule 🙂
Under that is a box titled “calendar” to put your big/important to-do items for that specific day. This just helps as an extra reminder for the items you might already have listed in your monthly sheets.
Under that is a space to write down some things you are grateful for that day. This is great to be able to see we always have things to be grateful for even on those days when all we can see is the bad things.
Below that is a water tracker. You can check them off or fill them in to keep track of your water intake for the day. There are 4 drops to track, so feel free to use your own measuring methods. Every one 16oz bottle of water I drink, I color in a drop.
At the very bottom of the page, there is a “Today I am feeling” line which is kinda like a mood tracker. If you struggle with mental health and you need to relay how you have been feeling with your doctor you can go back and look at how you were feeling each day. You can use this section any way you would like to track any feelings or thoughts 🙂
In the middle section, we have our biggest portion which is our daily to-do list! Add all your business and personal to-do items for the whole day here!
On the left-hand page, you have an entire notes section that you can use for anything! Things like journaling, brain dumping ideas, list-making, doodling, keeping up with your crochet projects, yarn store list, grocery store list. Use it for whatever helps keep you on track and helps you get through your day 🙂

Each day of the week is labeled at the top, and to the right of that is a space for you to write in the exact date. There are 3 months worth of “daily to-do” sheets. I did this to keep the width of the planner relatively thin.
That is it friends! I hope you love this planner as much as I do! I hope getting a peek inside the planner has you even more excited!
If you want to grab one for yourself you can find it on Amazon.
If you have any questions for me, feel free to comment below! Have an amazing day friends!