Crochet Cactus Gift Card Holder: Free Pattern for a Fun and Creative Gift Idea

Learn how to make a fun crochet cactus gift card holder by following this free crochet pattern that’s beginner friendly and super fun to work up!

Learn how to make a fun crochet cactus gift card holder by following this free crochet pattern that's beginner friendly and super fun to work up!

These cute crochet cactus gift card holder pouches are a fun and unique way to hold small gifts like money, candy, or small toys.

These little pouches not only make your gift stand out but can also be reused for various purposes. The cactus design adds a touch of whimsy to any gift, making it perfect for birthdays, holidays, or any other special occasion.

Learn how to make a fun crochet cactus gift card holder by following this free crochet pattern that's beginner friendly and super fun to work up!

If you love these gift pouches stay tuned, I have many more fun designs coming out very soon!

If you need some visual help with these pouches you can watch the Chick Video below.

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Worsted weight size 4 yarn (Dark and light green for the cactus, Persimmon for the pot, and pink for the flower.)
G 4.0mm Crochet Hook
Tapestry Needle

Stitch Key (US Terms)

SC = Single Crochet
SC BLO = Single Crochet in the Back Loop Only
CH = Chain
INC= Increase -Put two stitches in the same space. (In this case, it will be two SC stitches.)
SL ST= Slip Stitch
SP= Space
FSC= Foundation Single Crochet

Surface Slip Stitch: If you need help creating the Surface Slip Stitch watch a full tutorial here.

Embroidery: If you prefer to use the Embroidery method for your cactus accents, you can watch how I embroidered details in this tutorial.

Crochet Cactus Gift Card Holder

Each gift pocket is made in 3 pieces. A front piece with the cactus, then two back pieces. A top back piece (dark green), and a bottom back piece (half dark green, half Persimmon)

Learn how to make a fun crochet cactus gift card holder by following this free crochet pattern that's beginner friendly and super fun to work up!

Front Piece (Cactus)

Learn how to make a fun crochet cactus gift card holder by following this free crochet pattern that's beginner friendly and super fun to work up!

Using Persimmon Yarn:

Foundation Single Crochet 10. Ch 1, turn. ( I show how to do this in the video linked on page 1)

Row 2: INC in first st. SC in the next 8 sts. INC in the last st. Ch 1, turn. (12 SC)

Row 3: SC in each st across. Ch 1, turn. (12 SC)

Row 4: INC in first st. SC in the next 10 sts. INC in the last st. Ch 1, turn. (14 SC)

Row 5: SC in each st across. Ch 1, turn. (14 SC)

Row 6: INC in first st. SC in the next 12 sts. INC in the last st. Ch 1, turn. (16 SC)

Row 7: Attach Dark Green Yarn (leave a very long tail for assembly) SC in BLO in each st across. Ch 1, turn. (16 SC)

Rows 8-11: SC in each st across. Ch 1, turn. (18 SC)

Row 12: DEC over the first 2 sts. SC in the next 12 sts. DEC over the last 2 sts. Ch 1, turn. (14 SC)

Row 13: SC in each st across. Ch 1, turn. (14 SC)

Row 14: DEC over the first 2 sts. SC in the next 10 sts. DEC over the last 2 sts. Ch 1, turn. (12 SC)

Row 15: SC in each st across. Ch 1, turn. (12 SC)

Row 16: DEC over the first 2 sts. SC in the next 8 sts. DEC over the last 2 sts. Ch 1, turn. (10 SC)

Row 17: SC in each st across. Ch 1, turn. (10 SC)

Row 18: DEC over the first 2 sts. SC in the next 6 sts. DEC over the last 2 sts. Ch 1, turn. (8 SC)

Row 19: DEC over the first 2 sts. SC in the next 4 sts. DEC over the last 2 sts. Ch 1, turn. (6 SC)

Row 20: DEC over the first 2 sts. SC in the next 2 sts. DEC over the last 2 sts. Ch 1, turn. (4 SC)

Cut yarn, and tie off.

Learn how to make a fun crochet cactus gift card holder by following this free crochet pattern that's beginner friendly and super fun to work up!

Now we’re going to add the accents to bring our cactus to life.


Learn how to make a fun crochet cactus gift card holder by following this free crochet pattern that's beginner friendly and super fun to work up!

Add your accents to the right side of your Front Piece. (This will be where you have a ridge from SC in BLO)

We are going to be creating surface slip stitches to create our accent lines. (feel free to embroider these accents on if you prefer that method, tutorials for both options are linked on page 1)

Grab your light green yarn and your crochet hook.

Insert your crochet hook into the space you want to start your design.

Grab your light green yarn from the back of your work, and pull up a loop.

Keep hold of your yarn under your work. Leave a long tail so you don’t accidentally pull your yarn loose.

Aim your hook in the direction of the next space in which you want your accent line to go.

*Insert your hook through your project, grabbing your working yarn from underneath.

Pull your yarn through your project, and through the loop on your hook. You just created your first stitch.*

Keep repeating the steps between * * until you reach your Persimmon pot section.

Tie off, and repeat 2-3 times for all your accents.

Bottom Back Piece

Using Persimmon Yarn:

Foundation Single Crochet 10. Ch 1, turn.

Row 2: INC in first st. SC in the next 8 sts. INC in the last st. Ch 1, turn. (12 SC)

Row 3: SC in each st across. Ch 1, turn. (12 SC)

Row 4: INC in first st. SC in the next 10 sts. INC in the last st. Ch 1, turn. (14 SC)

Row 5: SC in each st across. Ch 1, turn. (14 SC)

Row 6: INC in first st. SC in the next 12 sts. INC in the last st. Ch 1, turn. (16 SC)

Pro tip: Ball up your Persimmon tail and save it for easy assembly!

Attach Dark Green Yarn:

Rows 7-11: SC in each st across. Ch 1, turn. (16 SC)

Cut yarn, and tie off.

Top Back Piece

Using Dark Green Yarn:

Foundation Single Crochet 16. Ch 1, turn.

Rows 2-4: SC in each st across. Ch 1, turn. (16 SC)

Row 5: DEC over the first 2 sts. SC in the next 12 sts. DEC over the last 2 sts. Ch 1, turn. (14 SC)

Row 6: SC in each st across. Ch 1, turn. (14 SC)

Row 7: DEC over the first 2 sts. SC in the next 10 sts. DEC over the last 2 sts. Ch 1, turn. (12 SC)

Row 8: SC in each st across. Ch 1, turn. (12 SC)

Row 9: DEC over the first 2 sts. SC in the next 8 sts. DEC over the last 2 sts. Ch 1, turn. (10 SC)

Row 10: SC in each st across. Ch 1, turn. (10 SC)

Row 11: DEC over the first 2 sts. SC in the next 6 sts. DEC over the last 2 sts. Ch 1, turn. (8 SC)

Row 12: DEC over the first 2 sts. SC in the next 4 sts. DEC over the last 2 sts. Ch 1, turn. (6 SC)

Row 13: DEC over the first 2 sts. SC in the next 2 sts. DEC over the last 2 sts. Ch 1, turn. (4 SC)



If you need help refer to the video that goes with this pattern.

Place your front piece on top of your top-back piece where your working yarn is on the left-hand side of your work.

Lining up your top four stitches of each piece.

Using the yarn still attached to your top back piece, insert your hook through the 4th single crochet st of the front piece, going through the same stitch on the top back piece. Create a Chain 1 to attach the pieces together.

Learn how to make a fun crochet cactus gift card holder by following this free crochet pattern that's beginner friendly and super fun to work up!

Working downward along the left-hand side, create 9 SC evenly going through both pieces.

Once you have your 9 SC, you will grab your bottom back piece.

Have your bottom back piece right side facing down. (This should make it so the Persimmon yarn you left attached, is on the left-hand side.)

Insert your hook through the next sp going through the front piece, the first stitch going through the bottom back piece, and the next sp in the bottom top piece, and place a SC.

Going through all 3 pieces, going downward on the left side, evenly place 3 more SC. (The 3rd SC should be in the last sp of your top back piece.)

Switch to the white yarn you left attached on the bottom back piece.

Keep working downward on that left side going through the front piece and the bottom back piece.

Evenly place 7 SC.

Now you are at the bottom of your egg.

Switch to the Persimmon yarn you left attached on the bottom back piece.

Keep working downward on that left side going through the front piece and the bottom back piece.

Evenly place 7 SC. Now you are at the bottom of your cactus.

Continue with the Persimmon yarn, and place an INC in the first st. SC in the next 8 sts, and an INC in the last st along the bottom going through both pieces. (12 SC total)

Now working upward on the right-hand side, evenly place 7 SC.

Switch to the dark green yarn you left attached on the top back piece.

Going through all three pieces, evenly place 4 SC.

With the dark green yarn finish the seaming.

Continuing upward on the right-hand side, now going through just the front and top back pieces: evenly place 9 SC.

Now you are back at the top.

Going through both pieces, INC in the first st. SC in the next 3 sts. INC in the last st. Sl ST to the beginning SC.

Tie off.

Learn how to make a fun crochet cactus gift card holder by following this free crochet pattern that's beginner friendly and super fun to work up!

Crochet Cactus Gift Card Holder Flower

Using a G 4.00mm Crochet Hook

Create a Magic Circle

Round 1: SC 7. Join to the 1st SC.

Round 2: * Ch 8, SS into 1st SC (where we joined) Ch 8, SS into the same st. (Creates 2 petals)

*Ch 8, SS into next SC. Ch 8, SS into same st.*

Repeat * * around for a total of 14 petals. Tie off leaving a long tail to attach to the cactus.

Once your flower is finished, grab a tapestry needle to attach it to your cactus.

I like to attach mine to the upper right-hand corner of the front of my cactus, but you can place your flower wherever you would like.

Once you find the spot, thread the tail through your needle.

Be sure to sew your flower just through the front piece (not going through the back piece, that would sew a part of the inside of your gift holder together!)

Go through the flower, then back through the front piece until you have secured the flower to your cactus.

I like to run my needle through the base of the petals a couple times to give my flower a “squished” look.

Tie off, sew in all your tails, and you are finished! I hope you love your new crochet cactus gift card holder!

Learn how to make a fun crochet cactus gift card holder by following this free crochet pattern that's beginner friendly and super fun to work up!

I have a bunch more patterns like this one coming out very soon. Be sure to subscribe to my email list by clicking the pic below so you will be notified when the next pattern goes live.

Happy Crocheting
❤️ Ashley

Learn how to make a fun crochet cactus gift card holder by following this free crochet pattern that's beginner friendly and super fun to work up!

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